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The Anatomy of Baltimore’s Blight

Fight Blight’s research project examines how residents and communities prioritize and address property issues and what tools (policies, practices, funding, etcetera) are needed to comprehensively execute their work toward blight remediation.


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Baltimore Economic Strategy

Baltimore Together: A Platform for Inclusive Prosperity is a culmination of a two-year process to develop the city’s Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) for the next five years. During this process, we gathered insights, feedback, and recommendations from more than 300 diverse voices representing business, government, and community.  However, this is much more than a report; this effort represents a commitment to driving economic growth inclusively and equitably to ensure everyone has the opportunity for success.


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Nonprofit Burnout Report

#MyBmore’s research project examines the impact of nonprofit burnout on Baltimore community leaders and organizations. 


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Weinburg Foundation Leadership Grant

The Weinberg Foundation is committed to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion. Many studies highlight the persistent lack of racial diversity in leadership in the nonprofit sector and the more limited financial support for organizations led by people of color relative to their peers. To deliver effective programs and services, leadership in the nonprofit sector must reflect the diversity and experiences of the individuals it serves.

The Leadership Grants program supports the development of leaders of color at grantee organizations. With grants of up to $20,000, the Foundation aims to honor and invest in these individuals while also expanding the pipeline of candidates for nonprofit executive leadership opportunities.


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Baltimore Community Report

Baltimore Family Alliance, in partnership with #MyBmore Project hosted a listening session in 2022 to hear from the people in Baltimore. In a city with more than 250+ diverse neighborhoods, understanding and fostering a sense of community is crucial for addressing the various challenges we face. Here are some steps Baltimore City Residents have identified as strategies to help local communities rally and advocate effectively.


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Harborplace Community Engagement Report

Public engagement on the future of Harborplace is critical to establishing the Inner Harbor as a welcoming, proud, local asset. Redeveloping Harborplace for Baltimoreans and to showcase Baltimore to visitors requires an intentional public engagement process to bring as many stakeholders to the table as possible. To that end, MCB Harborplace, working with Just Economy, has deployed a first-of-its-scale public engagement process. That process includes a variety of approaches to solicit input, generate ideas, and seek feedback.


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Weinburg Foundation Baltimore Community Grant

This Baltimore City Community Grant program was created to support small nonprofits (with an annual operating budget of $500,000 or less) that serve low-income individuals and families in Baltimore City through direct services. Eligible organizations may apply for up to $20,000 to assist with general operating expenses, program, or capital costs, including equipment purchases, capacity building (e.g., evaluation and audit costs), and other eligible expenses. Nonprofits that receive a grant under this program may reapply each year, provided all eligibility and reporting requirements are met.


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